Faith & Righteousness- Part 1
To receive miracles, to receive healing, and to minister that flow to others calls for faith, the God-kind of faith. Romans 12:3 tells us, “...God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” At the new birth, God put in every man the BEGINNING MEASURE of faith-we have a measure of the God-kind of faith. But we are the custodians of that faith- we determine what happens to it- whether it grows or not. We are to cause it grow by feeding and meditating on the Word, then release that faith through our words and actions. Faith comes by hearing—it’s released through words and actions. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
Faith is how we conduct business with God. Faith is the great conductor of God’s power. Faith CONVERTS the word to power. Faith is the pipeline that God’s power flows through to reach our need. We must protect our faith so that we can keep moving with God and receive from God what He has already made ours. It’s only by faith that we can “live as rich as we are.” Living rich not as in money, although that may be true but also in every area of life, health, wholeness, favor, blessings, etc. So, we must deal with things that try to hinder or rob us of faith. We must protect it and view it as a precious gift from God.
Jesus asked, “When I come back will find persistence in faith?” That’s what He is looking for, for that’s what He needs so He can work.
One of the things that hinders faith is CONDEMNATION. Sin-consciousness- living conscious of past sins, faults, failures, and weaknesses- produce condemnation. It focuses on the flesh and the natural side of man, instead of focusing on who we are in Christ and on our spirit and all that’s contained in our spirit.
so today we will stop right here and read and reread so this can go into your spirit and next time we will continue on sin-consciousness and condemnation and how to refocus how we view ourselves. Until next time.