What words are we speaking throughout our day?

Morning Friends,

What words are we speaking throughout our day? Words of life and love? encouraging words to others, words to uplift and words of hope or are we speaking words of death? Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Are we speaking words of death? Your no good, you will never amount to anything. You will always be in debt. Your a loser! Those are all words of death. You may not see it that way, but if you say it, it goes into someone’s spirit. If they hear it long enough, that becomes their reality. And the opposite as well. If we are speaking good things into our children, they will be confident, responsible adults. Words of death go straight into the heart and stays there. Eventually words of death create a spirit of failure, depression, sadness and on and on. You see what’s being created? Let us never be those who speak that to another. If we catch ourselves. Repent, apologize and move forward. May only words of love, encouragement and goodness go forth. If we must have a heartfelt conversation with someone to clear the air. Pray beforehand, God will meet you there and give you the help you need. Your never alone. So watch your words today and be people of love and honor.

Have a beautiful day.

Love you, M


Even there shall your hand lead me


I have come so they may have life. John 10:10