Even there shall your hand lead me


Even there shall your hand lead me.

Where are you today?

Are you struggling out of the will of God or are you a faithful believer?

No matter where you are, God is leading you, if your stagnant, it’s ok, He is still there. If you know your not living where you should, come, sit a quick moment and make it right. It will make you feel better, lighter and connected back to God. Who are we submitted to? Are we submitted to God and following His lead (which is godly authority). If you are allowing God to lead you, then lead someone else. Our work is a constant walk of love, kindness, trust. When we get shipwrecked, just get back into His will quickly. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. You are loved just the same.

Love you, M


Love Must Be Sincere


What words are we speaking throughout our day?