I have come so they may have life. John 10:10

Good Morning Friends,

How do we attain this life to the fullest we hear about? There is an enemy (the trickster) trying to get an in road to our soul (mind, will, emotions) daily. By the cares of the world (distractions, entertainment, possessions, worry). There are so many thoughts the enemy plants in our big, beautiful minds. How much are we guarding our thoughts? As @Drcarolineleaf states, β€œAre we planting toxic trees or healthy trees in our mind?” Are we assuming or complaining (or any other toxic thought) or are we creating dendrites of love, peace and Gods sustaining joy? Do not allow the enemy to take up space in that precious, beautiful mind. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Obedience, that thought=Christ=love,joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control. Be gentle to yourself and put those thoughts that honor and obey God and you will find a more peaceful soul (mind, will, emotions) in the process. If Gods Word says it, think on it, and not just think on it, meditate on it, and you will become more peaceful in the process. It takes some work to catch those thoughts and think about what your thinking about, but it will come, and you will come to know Gods Word in the process and grow in discipline. If God said it, you can trust and believe in His Word as final authority. So go ahead, trust and believe Him and His Word today.

Love you, M


What words are we speaking throughout our day?